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  • How does it work?
    Click the "How It Works" page on the menu located at the top to follow the 5 easy steps it takes to start your health/fitness journey.
  • How old do I have to be?
    East Coast Strong's services are intended for those ages 15 - 25. Additonally, our videos and guides are in English making our services available only to those who speak English.
  • What kind of diets do you recommend?
    For more information on the six diets we base our nutrition plans off of visit the "Diets and Workout" page. There we give a brief overview of each diet but after purchasing the premium subscription plan diets will be customized according to your preferences and needs.
  • What kinds of workouts do you recommend?
    We implement a mutitude of exercieses and workout regimens within each customers workout guide. The customization is determined by the intensity level of the workouts. For more information on how workouts are decided visit the "Diets and Workout" page. Please note that via email you will recieve more in-depth details regarding what kinds of workouts you will be completing.
  • How do I join the mailing list?
    To join our mailing list visit the home page and scroll to the bottom.
  • What if I want to change my diet or workout plan?
    Through the month we will be in frequent contact with you checking in on how you are doing. At these moments you are free to notify us of any changes you would like to make otherwise you may email us or contact us via social media at anytime. Changes in subscription plans are NOT allowed to be made DURING the month, only when it is time to renew your subscription.
  • What if I have allergies or any issues regarding my comfort when working out?
    Any note of dietary or workout restricitons will be asked for prior to starting your diet/workout plan but if any additional restrictions occur you can email us, reply to one of our update emails, or contact us via social media.
  • How will I know my plan is working?
    We offer weekly "update" emails to get a sense of any issues you are having to ensure that the plan is working. Depending on your plan you may see results sooner or later. Remeber it's all about customization for your goals so feel free to let us know if you want to change your workout or diet plan.
  • What is in each subscription plan?
    To learn what is included in each subscription plan visit the "Subscriptions" page.
  • How do I renew/cancel my subscription?
    One week prior to the end of the month you will recieve an email asking if you would like to continue or cancel your subscription.
  • How do I change my subscription plan?
    You CANNOT change your subscription plan during the month. One week before the end of the month you will be asked via email if you woud like to continue your subscription plam, if yes we will proceed to ask if you would like to change your plan. If you are continuing to utilize our services at this time you can recustomize or make additional changes to any workout or diet plans. You DO NOT have to stick to your customizations from the previous month.
  • Will my information regarding fitness/health plans be private?
    Yes, we 100% can ensure that your information will remain private. We believe that it is important to respect the privacy of one's health journey. For more information scroll to the bottom of the any pages and click the Privacy Policy link, or click hover over the "More" page and click the "Privacy Policy" page.
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